
Página dedicada as minhas brincadeira em casa, onde utilizo desde brinquedos de pelúcias, tanto para brincar como para contar histórias bíblicas, e jogos de vídeo games.

Brincadeiras em Casa para Crianças

Bem-vindo ao nosso blog! Aqui, você encontrará dicas divertidas sobre brincadeiras com bonecos, pelúcias e jogos de vídeo games para entreter as crianças em casa.

A children's play area with a small playhouse featuring a purple roof and white walls. There is a blue plastic rocking toy shaped like a horse in the foreground. A slide with a steering wheel is positioned to the left, and colorful interlocking foam mats cover the floor. The surroundings include wooden walls and an outdoor view through the window.
A children's play area with a small playhouse featuring a purple roof and white walls. There is a blue plastic rocking toy shaped like a horse in the foreground. A slide with a steering wheel is positioned to the left, and colorful interlocking foam mats cover the floor. The surroundings include wooden walls and an outdoor view through the window.
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A group of children are engaged in play around a large, wooden dollhouse. The dollhouse is well-crafted with various rooms and pieces of furniture. Dolls are placed throughout, and the children appear to be interacting with the dolls and the house. The children are focused and seem to be enjoying their imaginative play. The scene is well-lit and the background is plain, enhancing the focus on the children and the dollhouse.
A group of children are engaged in play around a large, wooden dollhouse. The dollhouse is well-crafted with various rooms and pieces of furniture. Dolls are placed throughout, and the children appear to be interacting with the dolls and the house. The children are focused and seem to be enjoying their imaginative play. The scene is well-lit and the background is plain, enhancing the focus on the children and the dollhouse.


Explore brincadeiras divertidas com bonecos, pelúcias e videogames.

A small wooden playhouse resembling a café is situated in a backyard. The structure has a chalkboard sign with a menu, a bell hanging on the side, and a small bucket placed on the counter. Two soft, patterned beanbag chairs are nearby, along with a light blue mat with decorative patterns. The area is fenced with wooden planks and there are small white decorative fences on the ground. Two wall planters hang on the fence, adding a touch of greenery.
A small wooden playhouse resembling a café is situated in a backyard. The structure has a chalkboard sign with a menu, a bell hanging on the side, and a small bucket placed on the counter. Two soft, patterned beanbag chairs are nearby, along with a light blue mat with decorative patterns. The area is fenced with wooden planks and there are small white decorative fences on the ground. Two wall planters hang on the fence, adding a touch of greenery.
A playful indoor playground area covered in a brown, sand-like material with scattered colorful plastic toys, including toy trucks, containers, and building blocks. Large tree-like structures with a cartoonish design are situated throughout the scene, giving it a whimsical forest theme.
A playful indoor playground area covered in a brown, sand-like material with scattered colorful plastic toys, including toy trucks, containers, and building blocks. Large tree-like structures with a cartoonish design are situated throughout the scene, giving it a whimsical forest theme.
A wooden playhouse structure with a green enclosed slide stands in the foreground. Surrounding the playhouse, a jungle gym made of wooden logs and a blue rope bridge can be seen. Two adults and a child are interacting at the base of the structure. The background features a lush green landscape with forested hills and a building with a red roof.
A wooden playhouse structure with a green enclosed slide stands in the foreground. Surrounding the playhouse, a jungle gym made of wooden logs and a blue rope bridge can be seen. Two adults and a child are interacting at the base of the structure. The background features a lush green landscape with forested hills and a building with a red roof.
A child's hand is playing with a small kitchen playset. The playset includes a yellow bowl containing sand, a purple cup, some faux leaves, and small plastic yellow corn pieces. The setting appears to be outdoors, with a play kitchen counter visible.
A child's hand is playing with a small kitchen playset. The playset includes a yellow bowl containing sand, a purple cup, some faux leaves, and small plastic yellow corn pieces. The setting appears to be outdoors, with a play kitchen counter visible.
A cozy and well-decorated children's play area featuring a small, house-shaped bunk bed with white wooden planking and light wooden sliding doors on the upper level. The bottom level has open windows with potted greenery below them. Soft toys, including teddy bears and a rabbit, are placed throughout the room. Some toys are on a small white staircase to the left, which leads to the upper level of the bunk bed. The room also has a small wooden table and two stools on the right, along with decorative items like string lights, a cloud-shaped wall shelf, and star decals on the walls.
A cozy and well-decorated children's play area featuring a small, house-shaped bunk bed with white wooden planking and light wooden sliding doors on the upper level. The bottom level has open windows with potted greenery below them. Soft toys, including teddy bears and a rabbit, are placed throughout the room. Some toys are on a small white staircase to the left, which leads to the upper level of the bunk bed. The room also has a small wooden table and two stools on the right, along with decorative items like string lights, a cloud-shaped wall shelf, and star decals on the walls.
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